Wednesday, February 23, 2011

heart of a woman

"Abortion is a matter of the heart. For until one understands the heart of a woman, nothing else about abortion makes any sense at all." - Dr. George Tiller

This quote was issued by a late-term abortionist before he was assassinated in 2009. The heart of a angers me to hear a man who murders babies and debilitates women even let those words pass through his lips. How dare he suggest he was influenced by the heart of women to take what is most precious straight from their womb. Does he not see the look in a mother's eye when her child sprains an ankle or suffers from the flu all through the night? Does he not see how her heart was drawn to her child in need and would gladly suffer the pain in their place? If her maternal response is so evident in such minimal situations as her child crying from a hurtful word on the playground, then how much more is a mother programmed to respond if her defenseless child is helplessly sucked from their safe haven. The emotional impact of abortion on women has been repeatedly published, and testimonies of depression, anxiety and gut-wrenching guilt will continue as long as abortions do.
You see it in the 3 year old girl who cuddles her doll tightly to her chest when a threat is perceived, or the twenty year old ladies who cannot help but flock to the side of a mother and child and hope to connect with the baby through a smile or coo or finally a mum by her daughter's side almost partaking in the pains of labour over again as her grandchild enters the world. If it is not a child it is a pet or a friend who needs nurturing, maybe even a husband...but a woman has the nature to care and to take responsibility for the experiences of that individual.
So if abortion is only about the heart of women, and that is the only way it makes sense, then proving that abortion is unnatural and not paralleled with a woman's heart should be enough to bring it to a halt. Pro-life truly is pro-choice as they care more about the outcome of women's health and there are many more options available through pro-life then there are through pro-choice. This is not about the sanctity of life, although that is an indisputable factor, but about the health of women, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Going against the natural order of a female's nature brings about disorder in all areas of her life and leaves a mess that truly only Christ can clean up. The devastation of knowing the child you were there to protect and nourish was, at your word, painfully murdered and never given a chance to defend themselves rips open a hole in the heart of a women... it does not, as Dr. Till says, make it the only reason to perform abortions. So, Dr. Tiller, if you had access to view any woman in your life in the role of a mother I'm not sure why or how you could have continued.

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