Monday, February 14, 2011

do this in remembrance of me.

Luke 22: 7-23
I had been missing the beauty of communion. The splendor of Jesus' sacrifice had lost it's powerful impact as communion had been focused on me. The idea of communion had been ingrained in me by previous leadership that it was about receiving what I needed at that time. Whether I lacked healing, strength, joy, a sense of worth, power or anything else we humans are in need of occasionally that it could be pulled down from heaven during communion by the power of the blood of Christ. Now, I am not saying that this is not possible or that the Lord did not intend for us to reach into Him during communion, a symbol of the new covenant, but is it meant to be the focus? I realized during communion this Sunday that I had lost the worship and remembrance of Jesus during this time. I found myself focusing on what I lacked at that moment and praying that as I participated in communion I would reach into Christ and receive what He had made available through the cross. Where was my honour for Him? Why was I not broken and on my knees in affectionate remembrance (amplified Bible) of my incredible Saviour? Do this in remembrance of me...why was I only remembering the sacrifice as to receive for myself? Worship was never intended to be used for our gain, but to honour and give deserved praise to our Father. In the end we always receive from our Lord because of His beautiful nature of love and generosity...not because we reach in and make that our focus while worshiping Him.
Where are we as a church when even communion does not direct our gaze to Christ for only the reason of remembering and honouring Him? Are we such an entitled people that we feel we deserve something from worshiping or partaking in the bread and cup? How dishonouring to our Saviour, who already gave us His life, to take our eyes off Him, place them on ourselves and use His sacrifice for our means.
Do this in remembrance of me. We hardly give Him any time at all as a North American church...can we at least take the time during communion to bring Him to mind. To focus all our attention on His life, how great of a sacrifice He made for us out of His love and mercy, how beautiful He is in His victorious position and how thankful we are for His grace and for His remembrance of us.

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