Monday, January 31, 2011

the rite...a must see.

My husband and I recently, as in four hours ago, went to the theatre to view 'the rite'. In complete honesty we went there partly for curiosity sake, to see how Hollywood would portray exorcism and the truth behind it. We had seen the trailers often and where doubtful we would see it as neither of us do well where horror movies are concerned. This one though captured our attention, and with our Monday night open we thought we would risk a scare to see how well this movie depicted the strength of our Lord over evil.
I expected myself to jump, quiver and make uncontrolled yelps as things went 'bump in the night'....but instead, I was in tears as Michael finally declared his belief in the devil and in our Lord and began speaking truth to the demonic forces holding his friend. I was filled with pride for Jesus, His sacrifice and His power over all dark creatures. As the camera circled Michael and the possessed Lucas, the words Michael pronounced over the kneeling man brought out an emotional reaction I would not have expected at an 'exorcist' movie. It was like watching my Saviour being crucified, and while the sadness you feel is unexplainable so is the pride and strength you sense welling up inside of you provoking your response. It was empowering, uplifting and comforting knowing the power we hold through our Christ, not that we as humans are powerful, but that his sacrifice and love for us allows the ever-victorious power of the blood to flow through us as we believe. What an incredible, almighty, awesome God we serve! One who holds the upper hand always and uses vessels like us to work against his enemies. There was no fear while watching this movie, only a feeling of authority and excitement that no matter how powerful the demonic were portrayed, my Father was/is unimaginably dominant!
How fearful I would be seeing a movie, such as the rite, based on true events, not knowing the power behind the cross.  As movies like this are being produced it shows that people have an interest in the spiritual, and how is there evil without good? If this is an absolute truth, that there is evil, there must be the opposite. And this movie, I feel, does a great job of making sure we know the order of authority at the end of the day. Jesus prevails, always. How thankful I am to be held in His arms.
And thank you, writers and producers of this movie, for not making this production an in-your-face gorey horror film, but for excellently visualizing that "our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens"...and yes the battles are there, but the victory is ours through Him. :D

and just a p.s., in this film the demons possessing the characters try to throw the exorcists sins back into their face, yell out their shortcomings and failures, saying they know all their nickel and dime sins. As this was happening to the young man in the movie I was struck with thankfulness. Yes, the enemy knows our sins, but so does our loving and merciful Saviour. He has forgiven those sins and chooses not to remember them. The devil can try and throw your past sins back at you, sapping your confidence from you, but remember Christ knows too. He still loves you, has forgiven you upon your repentance and those mistakes will not hold you back from declaring the power of Jesus matter how loudly the powers of darkness yell them. Thank you Lord.

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