Thursday, January 6, 2011


What is it about the autumn time, even the season's name makes me want to throw on a sweater and walk along a pathway outlined by copper tones and splashes of red.
Is it the crisp apples picked right off the tree? The coolness of their skin which you can make glow like your cheeks by gliding them up and down the front of your sweater. The first chilly juice grabbing your tongue mixed with the crunch has, to me, has no fruit's competition.
It may not only be the fact that it is fresh apple time, but the environment always intermingles with the experience. To begin with it's a season where layers are a must and I couldn't be happier! Scarves come out with jackets and boots protecting the apple picker from the chilly breeze and lack of sunshine. But the clouds, even though blocking beauty, hold a mystery of their own. They lay like blankets over the earth almost protecting us from the winter to come, even though they are part of the cause. They make me feel as though I were a child, hiding under a wool blanket that allows some light but still hides its precious commodity.
The darker colours of the sky pull out the gorgeous tones emitted by the trees and shrubs once brilliant greens. Unlike the eternity of a dark sky showing off it's starry host, these leaves of sunset colours must allow the gray sky to brag on them for they only last a few months.
The brisk breeze that speeds up your walk, the stillness only disturbed by the rustle of crisp leaves, sticky lips still tasting of apple and the feeling of being wrapped up in not only clothes but in clouds makes this my favourite time to be alive.

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