Thursday, January 6, 2011

for the individual

there are two 10 page papers sitting in my mind waiting, needing to be written, but something else is pressing on my heart which always yells louder then my mind.
Imagine yourself standing shoulder to shoulder, crammed together with thousand's of sweaty fans at your all-time favourite concert. You are overcome with the incredible sound coming from boooming speakers intermingled with the screams and off pitch singing of, not only yourself, but those around you. You are there, best friend's with all those around you, only because you share the same love for those people dancing spastically around on stage. You are one of the crowd, one of the people in that 'world'. The band is rocking out for you. For the masses before them they sing their hearts out and play their guitars til their fingers bleed.
I know this is a horrible comparison to the death of Jesus, but in a way I feel it holds many similarities to today's Christians. We are held together by a common bond, a love of our Saviour. A deep love for a best friend that connects you with complete strangers. But if you were taken out of that crowd, out of that world would you be missed? Would that band still be playing, singing and screaming if you could not make the concert.
The Lord revealed to me the other night that many Christians feel this way. That even though they are part of the "world" they are not accounted for as unique people who can have a personal relationship with Him . John 3:16 For God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Jesus did not die for a crowd of people, He died for the individuals who together make a crowd. The masses can be saved, but He died for each person, who when brought together with each other, make a mass.
At a concert we would never expect the band to call out each indivual's name and welcome them and tell them how they appreciate each fan. But Jesus is different. He knows each face, He calls out each name. When He looks out over the world He does not see a blur of people He died for, He sees each life, and knows exactly what He has planned for each one.
We cannot feel lost in the masses or like we are just one in the world of billions, unrecognizable and unseen. For Christ died for you because He loves YOU and not just because you happen to be part of the world, part of the crowd.
Remember Christ did not die for wholesale, He died for retail...individual souls and lives that He loved, which made up a group of people called the world.

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