Thursday, January 6, 2011

ipods, mtv and the gentle whisper

My first I should be studying, or reading or practicing my Nursing OSCES (practical exams), but with less then 3 weeks left I would rather go door to door trying to sell those dirty clumps of hair left in the shower. Sooo...I thought instead of pushing my luck with that I would start a blog. Random yes...Beneficial no...Entertaining yes.
Entertainment...a huge word in our culture that we can barely hear over our ipods blaring, our tvs telling us who we should be and our friends on the the other end of our cell phones telling us where we should be, when to be there and how to get there. Do we as a culture always need to be entertained?
Is it wrong to want to be entertained or is it just wrong to need to be entertained. In previous years the thought of being alone for a whole day with no music, no phone and no tv would make me want to call up people I could not stand just so that I would not be alone. I HAD to be entertained. I needed that constant stimuli of something other then my own thoughts entering into my brain. That is our culture today. Praise the Lord I now have learnt that joy can come in forms of silence. Forms of being alone, yet never truly alone. Those of you who know my Lord can agree with me here.
The voice of our God is described in 1 Kings 19 "Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave." This is our God...a gentle whisper, He is the Ultimate Gentleman and will wait for you to listen. Why can our generation not always hear our God? Ipods, TVs, MTV, Cell Phones all which distract us and take our ears away from that gentle whisper. Don't get me wrong I own a few of those myself but the choice is how often and when you use them. Is your life devoted to the next tune you hear ringing through your skull or the next text message that causes that cute jingle on your cell phone.
Next time you ask the Lord for something, listen. Its simple...after asking your folks for a favour or after asking your best friend a question, you wouldn't just throw in your headphones, crank up the tunes and then get mad at them for not answering you.
The Bible tells us to "pray without ceasing" maybe we as a generation that feels we constantly need some sort of entertainment should try "listening without ceasing".
Trust me...when you give your attention to the Lord the world's forms of entertainment will never again measure up to what you will experience with Him.

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