Thursday, January 6, 2011

more than a poem

I once knew a young woman. She would write poems, not for others but for herself. This woman was no poet, not even a writer, but her poetry connected her to her Saviour. She would write from her heart, her soul and her revelations. Her poetry would consist of tears from struggles, from triumphs and from her own searching. These poems were part of her. It was for this reason she was shocked when she came across her poetry under someone else's name. It did not concern her that this individual was getting the glory and praise for her thoughts, but because of the carelessness and lack of consideration for her heart...her poetry. Someone had taken them as if they were objects to gain attention over, yet they were her treasures as a result of her soul's travels. They had been pulled together through many scraps of paper filled with her mind's gems and formed into cries from her deepest parts and victorious praises to her Lord. A connection, a portal with which she shared with Him her revelations and her deep love for His beauty. To see this meaningful part of her life taken and paraded about for other's entertainment was hurtful. She felt as if her soul was unleashed without her permission and then shown as someone else's revelation which her Father had given to her. These words had been gifts from above and not meant to be rewarded and praised for. They were yearnings of a heart, questions from her soul and a passageway to her Father's arms. She never wanted her poems back, never asked for the wrong to be corrected. Just prayed earnestly to never again have her bond with the King of Kings taken from her and used for selfish gain. They were not just words they were her deep crying out to His deep.

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